Creative and illustrative graphic design
Flyers Ck Family Record (London label)

 Flyer "Què Club" Tenerife

Flyer "Midnight" ,  Tenerife
Flyers  PRIVATE tf, Tenerife

Maru Eco Project Tenerife, Flyer A6, poster

Logo, Flyer A6 (front and back), Business Card "Italian Tropical Bar" Tenerife

Poster "Fruit Bar Tenerife"

Banner "Fahrenheit Tenerife"
Poster "Hotty" Tenerife
Logo, Folding Flyer Snack Menù, Menù "Ma La Luna"Tenerife
Poster 50x70, Menù "Mesòn Mediterraneo" Tenerife
Flyer A6 (front and back), "Mi Jardin Bar Cafeterìa" Tenerife
Logo, Flyer A6 (front and back), Business Card "Pinocchio Ristorante" Tenerife
Flyer A6 (front-back), Business Card and Menù   "Don Pepe Cafè Bar" Tenerife
 Flyer A5   "LEVEL Club Tenerife"
Business Card / Poster 50x70 "Sartoria-Sastrerìa Sandra, Tenerife"
Logo and Business Card   "Santa Cruz Fotografia" Tenerife
 Logo, Business Card, Flyer A5 (front and back)
 "S.I.L.P Servicio  integral  de imagen  de  luz  pulsada" Tenerife
Folding Flyer (front and back) Business Cards "TEHC centro mèdico y estètico" Tenerife

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